Shin Haraguchi vs Jae Hyun Park
- Shin Haraguchi
- Age: 24
- Pro Record: 6-0
- UFC Record: 1-0
- Key Wins: Knocked out a well rounded 8-0 fighter and Sang Won Kim.
- Striking: above average (60)
- Power: above average (60)
- Wrestling: near plus (65)
- Jae Hyun Park
- Age: 21
- Pro Record: 6-1
- Key Wins: Submitted a 6-1 striker. Split decision over a well rounded 6-1 fighter.
- Striking: average (50)
- Power: average (50)
- Grappling: average (50)
Chris’ Pick: Haraguchi by 1st round submission.
What I think the odds should be: Haraguchi -600
Zhawupasi Daermisi vs Chang Ho Lee
- Zhawupasi Daermisi
- Age: 23
- Pro Record: 7-0
- UFC Record: 1-0
- Key Wins: Submitted a well rounded 6-0 fighter and a well rounded 4-1 fighter.
- Striking: average (50)
- Power: average (50)
- Wrestling: above average (60)
- Grappling: a little above average (55)
- Chang Ho Lee
- Age: 29
- Pro Record: 8-1
- UFC Record: 1-0
- Key Wins: Knocked out an 11-1 grappler.
- Striking: a little above average (55)
- Power: a little above average (55)
- Wrestling: above average (60)
Zhawupasi got a rear naked choke on Eperaim Ginting in under a minute, so not much to take from that fight, but probably safe to say Zhawupasi’s wrestling is a 60 as I thought. Could be a close fight, Zhawupasi’s striking could be a 55, but on paper, I do see Zhawupasi as more of a one dimensional fighter, Lee more well rounded, Lee should win.
Chris’ Pick: Lee by decision.
What I think the odds should be: Lee -175
Zhu Rong vs Sang Wook Kim
- Zhu Rong
- Age: 23
- Pro Record: 23-5
- UFC Record: 2-2
- Key Wins: Knocked out a 9-1 wrestler, a well rounded 6-1 fighter, a well rounded 7-2 fighter, and a well rounded 15-5 fighter. Submitted a 19-4 grappler.
- Striking: a little above average (55)
- Power: a little above average (55)
- Wrestling: above average (60)
- Sang Wook Kim
- Age: 29
- Pro Record: 9-2
- UFC Record: 1-0
- Striking: average (50)
- Power: average (50)
- Wrestling: average (50)
- Grappling: fringe average (45)
I’m tempted to grade Zhu’s striking a 60. He looked good knocking Sung Chan Hong out. But the numbers don’t justify a 60 grade. Yet. Wouldn’t surprised me at all if he showed up with 60 striking especially with him being so young and developing. Either way, he’s going to have way more power than Kim.
Chris’ Pick: Zhu by 1st round knockout.
What I think the odds should be: Zhu -300
Long Xiao vs Shuya Kamikubo
- Long Xiao
- Age: 25
- Pro Record: 25-7
- UFC Record: 1-1
- Key Wins: Submitted a 5-0 striker. Beat a well rounded 5-1 fighter and a 5-1 grappler. Split decision over a 10-3 grappler.
- Striking: a little average (55)
- Power: fringe average (45)
- Wrestling: above average (60)
- Grappling: average (50)
- Shuya Kamikubo
- Age: 30
- Pro Record: 13-1-1
- UFC Record: 1-0
- Key Wins: Submitted a 7-2 grappler and a 7-2 striker. Knocked out a well rounded 9-3 fighter. Beat a 5-2 wrestler and a well rounded 14-3 fighter. Split decision over a well rounded 12-3 fighter.
- Striking: a little above average (55)
- Power: fringe average (45)
- Wrestling: a little above average (55)
Long’s striking wasn’t as good as I thought. He took on Shohei Nose who I’m pretty sure has 55 striking and the striking in their fight was close to equal. I see Long taking Kamikubo down and grinding to a win.
Chris’ Pick: Long by decision.
What I think the odds should be: Long -150